Do I Have To Keep Coming Out? [A Trans Day Of Remembrance Post]
Does LinkedIn need another trans man's perspective on navigating the professional world? Based on what comes down in my feed every single day...yes. Today, with it being Trans Day of Remembrance, I am once again forced to reflect on the complexities of navigating the professional world as an out and proud trans man. It is not overly dramatic so say that existing as a trans person is a constant balancing act. A daily performance where I'm expected to justify my existence at every turn. In my career, I've often found myself in situations where my analytical mind and strategic thinking are lauded, but my identity as a trans man is met with (mainly) confusion. How am I supposed to happily exist in a world where my intelligence and capabilities are conditional upon my adherence to outdated gender norms? Many of my colleagues probably can't understand the pressure that comes with misgendering, questioning glances, and dismissive comments. Though I do recognize that many of ...